Category: Conversations With Werner Erhard

Werner Erhard and Warren Bennis Discuss Compassion and Leadership

A Conversation with Warren Bennis on Werner Erhard's early work

A Conversation with Warren Bennis on Werner Erhard’s early work

Werner Erhard: Integrity - Honoring Your Word

Werner Erhard: Integrity – Honoring Your Word

Werner Erhard on Being Creative

Werner Erhard on Being Creative

werner erhard, transformation film

An Empowering View of Responsibility

Life as a Three Act Play

Life as a Three Act Play

Werner Erhard’s life is best understood through his ideas and their application to people’s lives. In this video Werner describes his use of a three act play as a metaphor for life”

Transformation vs. Change

Transformation vs. Change

Ruthless, Compassionate, Authenticity…What Is Possible

Ruthless, Compassionate, Authenticity…What Is Possible

Living Life Free of the Past

Living Life Free of the Past

“We human beings don’t leave the past in the past. We have the past in the future and when you do that it looks like the past gives you who you are and gives you your life in the present – kind of like two file cabinets. One file cabinet says the past the other one says the future and you’ve got the stuff that should be in the past filing cabinet stored in the future. If you take the past stuff out of the future and put it into the past (and there’s a way to do that) what have you got in the future? Nothing! – Which is wonderful because if who I am in the present is given by the future into which I live, I can create a future for myself that gives me being in the present, that has joy, that has vitality, that has self-expression that has the things that make life worth living.” – Werner Erhard

A Conversation to Provoke Thinking on the Nature of Creativity Through the Art of Dialogue

A Conversation to Provoke Thinking on the Nature of Creativity Through the Art of Dialogue

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